Bad Design Style

Bad Design Style: Case #61

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Okay, so in the picture above I added the red word “NOT”. Because I wouldn’t say that this house is exactly 100% wheelchair accessible. The house itself is a vacation property rental that claims wheelchair accessibility because of this wooden ramp put in the back. Well there are some safety and accessibility issues here.

To begin with there are no handrails or edge protection for the ramp. So nothing to hang onto or to prevent a wheelchair from falling off the side. Second problem, there’s no accessible path to the ramp. Just grass at the bottom of the ramp which is not wheelchair friendly. Then if you look closely the deck level isn’t the same as the interior floor. And you’ll see another mini-ramp to the back door. Again with no edge protection or landing at the door. So a wheelchair user will be on the ramp and trying to open a door that swings out. Not exactly a wheelchair accessible house.