Bad Design Style

Bad Design Style: Case #52


This here is a picture of a vacation rental property. In the features section they say to ask about wheelchair accessibility. The first thing I would ask is “What is the angle of your wheelchair ramp?” Then I would ask them if they have ever tried using the ramp in a wheelchair themselves. Because this ramp is way too steep along with other problems.

So yes, the ramp is going from the ground floor to the second floor in way too short a span. Even a person walking on the ramp should be careful especially if the surface were wet from rain. The other issue is no handrails. The existing top rail does not meet ADA requirements for a grippable handrail. Especially at the posts where you wouldn’t be able wrap your hand around the board. Finally you’ll notice at the bottom of the ramp there is not a smooth transition. In fact there’s a vertical threshold.  So always be wary of properties that might claim to have accessibility features.